By the Window, She stands...

Posted in By Eon Heath 42 comments

The sun shines high,
The alleys stay deserted...
The night sets in,
Life brews...

They come in herds, men.
To buy what they lack,
A few, to find what they lost.

The alleys sell love,
A filth in light,
Treasured till dawn...

She stands by the window,
Looking for love,
Or selling hers?

Most savage her,
A few savour,
In the end, none care...

She takes them all,
A few lovers,
The rest lechers...

She is tainted,
For she takes
The sorrows of the day...

And yet in the nights,
The very mouths,
Seek her arms solace...

The day rises,
She retreats...
The night engulfs,
By the window, she is...

image - istockphoto